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[内网] Θ饶舌痞子Θ 阿姆 首张精选 [精彩大结局][在线+下载]

发表于 2006-3-16 12:07:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.         饶舌界的天王痞子阿姆,在12/2全球同步发行他的个人首张精选《精彩大结局/Curtain Call-The Hits》,精选名称以及发行时间,让全球传媒不得不怀疑天王是否真的永远退居幕后?歌迷不舍之余,歌手克雷格大卫也跳出来大声疾呼“阿姆你不要退休!你是真正的诗人!”这张可能成为阿姆最后一张作品的精选专辑《精彩大结局》,不只美国各大唱片行疯狂下单,大西洋对岸的英国也有大动作,数十辆装饰成阿姆风格的嘻哈卡车也在12/1开始,从唱片公司将上百万张的阿姆精选辑载送到全国各大唱片行,据英国唱片公司人员表示:“或许大家担心他不唱了,所以每个人都想要这张精选辑,但是他绝对不希望大家忘记他,因为阿姆嘻哈卡车是他自己的想法!”

  1.      传媒推测阿姆想要退休的原因有很多,除了这次的专辑名称直接让人联想之外,在美国才刚曝光的最新单曲“人不在 歌在/When I'm Gone”的音乐录影带,更是明显的透露出阿姆想要一走了之的讯息。阿姆为了这支新歌音乐录影带,首度把他这阵子在戒毒中心戒除药瘾的心情公开出来,MV一开始就把场景设在一个黑暗的大房间里,一个类似戒除药瘾的团体正在分享彼此的心路历程。在一个中年人之后,阿姆也走到大家面前介绍自己,之后就大声饶舌演唱出自己的心路历程。在这支最新的音乐录影带中,还特别加入了一段让人心酸的小故事,就是阿姆的女儿海莉因为经常看不到在外面演出的阿姆,于是海莉就堆了满满的纸箱在家门口,就是为了不让爸爸出门去工作。阿姆把这些生活点滴放在音乐录影带中,或许就是他对于淡出幕前退居幕后这个决定的解释之一。阿姆这支全新的音乐录影带目前只有在环球音乐官方网站首先曝光,预计将从下周开始在台湾各大电视频道强力播送。


  1.      原本是黑人歌手最拿手的嘻哈音乐,竟然在一个白人歌手手中创造了巅峰盛世?一个嘻哈歌手可以成为主宰流行乐坛的超级巨星?阿姆做到了!这位底特律白人小子创造了嘻哈音乐的当代传奇,但是,就在这段传奇热烈上演时,他老兄却端出精选辑【Curtain Call-The Hits】,是觉得该见好就收?还是已经倦勤?这段嘻哈传奇现在就要上演精采大结局了吗?这些问题,尚未揭晓,但是,可以确定的是,当代乐坛要是少了他,绝对会变得粉无趣!!

  1.        阿姆把超上口的流行音乐创作模式套用在硬式饶舌/嘻哈风格中,将饶舌/嘻哈变成全球化的音乐,并进而兴起所谓的阿姆现象、痞子文化,在他时而嘻笑怒骂、愤世嫉俗、屌儿啷当、玩世不恭,忽而卯起来严词痛批的唱作中,常会让人不知该用怎样的心情去切入,他自己都常说,别把他的歌曲听得太深入,更不要对号入座,大家只要听得开心就好。

  1.       从阿姆99年晋升主流乐坛以来,总计创造了‘The Marhsall Mathers LP’、‘The Eminem Show’、‘Encore’等3张冠军与1张亚军专辑‘Slim Shady LP’,累积获得30张金唱片与311张白金唱片销售认证,连同他与哥儿们所组的D-12的2张专辑以及领衔主演的电影“街头痞子”原声带,总计缔创了全球逼近6700万张销售纪录。他的创作才华更为他获得1座奥斯卡、9座葛莱美、4座全英与全美音乐奖、9座MTV音乐录影带大奖与6座MTV欧洲音乐奖。

  1.       精选大碟【Curtain Call-The Hits】网罗阿姆历年来13首畅销曲以及包括最新单曲"When I'm Gone"在内的3首全新创作曲,其中包括蝉联全美流行榜12周冠军,荣获奥斯卡最佳电影主题曲的"Lose Yourself";勇夺英、美冠、亚军,2002年荣获4座MTV音乐录影带大奖的搞笑作"Without Me";深度刻划歌迷疯狂崇拜偶像心理的英国冠军曲"Stan";对布兰妮、克莉丝汀等艺人大开炮,勇夺2000年2座MTV音乐录影带大奖作"The Real Slim Shady";MV中演出柯林顿总统偷情事件之作"My Name Is";描述个人走出成长伤痕,获英、美Top4的感人好歌"Cleanin' Out My Closet";惹毛麦可杰克森的英国冠军曲"Just Lose It",还有分别精采取样Aerosmith招牌作"Dream On"、流行女歌手Martika成名曲"Toy Soldiers"的励志小品"Sing For The Moment"、痛陈嘻哈恩怨乱象的"Like Toy Soldiers"。


  1. 01. Intro (Curtain Call)
  2. 02. FACK
  3. 03. The Way I Am
  4. 04. My Name Is
  5. 05. Stan (Feat. Dido)
  6. 06. Lose Yourself
  7. 07. Shake That (Feat. Nate Dogg)
  8. 08. Sing For The Moment
  9. 09. Without Me
  10. 10. Like Toy Soldiers
  11. 11. The Real Slim Shady
  12. 12. Mockingbird
  13. 13. Guilty Conscience (Feat. Dr. Dre)
  14. 14. Cleanin' Out My Closet
  15. 15. Just Lose It
  16. 16. When I'm Gone
  17. 17. Stan (Live) (Feat. Elton John)

歌词有点慢 大家调快点哦~
My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I..
got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window..
and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'll all be grey,
put your picture on my wall
It reminds me, that it's not so bad,
it's not so bad..
My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I..
got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window..
and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'll all be grey,
put your picture on my wall
It reminds me, that it's not so bad,
it's not so bad..
Dear Slim, I wrote but you still ain't callin
I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom
I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not-a got 'em
There probably was a problem at the post office or somethin
Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot 'em
but anyways; fuck it, what's been up? Man how's your daughter?
My girlfriend's pregnant too, I'm bout to be a father
If I have a daughter, guess what I'ma call her?
I'ma name her Bonnie I read about your Uncle Ronnie too I'm sorry
I had a friend kill himself over some bitch who didn't want him
I know you probably hear this everyday, but I'm your biggest fan
I even got the underground shit that you did with Skam
I got a room full of your posters and your pictures man
I like the shit you did with Rawkus too, that shit was fat
Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back,
just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan
This is Stan
My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I..
got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window..
and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'll all be grey,
put your picture on my wall
It reminds me, that it's not so bad,
it's not so bad..
Dear Slim, you still ain't called or wrote,
I hope you have a chance I ain't mad
I just think it's FUCKED UP you don't answer fans
If you didn't wanna talk to me outside your concert
you didn't have to, but you coulda signed an autograph for Matthew
That's my little brother man, he's only six years old
We waited in the blistering cold for you,
four hours and you just said, "No." That's pretty shitty man
you're like his fuckin idol He wants to be just like you man,
he likes you more than I do I ain't that mad though,
I just don't like bein lied to Remember when we met in Denver
you said if I'd write you, you would write back
see I'm just like you in a way I never knew my father neither
he used to always cheat on my mom and beat her
I can relate to what you're saying in your songs so when I have a shitty day,
I drift away and put 'em on
cause I don't really got shit else so that shit helps when I'm depressed
I even got a tattoo of your name across the chest
Sometimes I even cut myself to see how much it bleeds
It's like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for me
See everything you say is real, and I respect you cause you tell it
My girlfriend's jealous cause I talk about you 24/7
But she don't know you like I know you Slim, no one does
She don't know what it was like for people like us growin up
You gotta call me man, I'll be the biggest fan you'll ever lose
Sincerely yours, Stan
P.S. We should be together too
My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I..
got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window..
and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'll all be grey,
put your picture on my wall
It reminds me, that it's not so bad,
it's not so bad..
Dear Mister-I'm-Too-Good-To-Call-Or-Write-My-Fans,
this'll be the last package I ever send your ass
It's been six months and still no word - I don't deserve it?
I know you got my last two letters;
I wrote the addresses on 'em perfect
So this is my cassette I'm sending you, I hope you hear it
I'm in the car right now, I'm doing 90 on the freeway
Hey Slim, I drank a fifth of vodka, you dare me to drive?
You know the song by Phil Collins, "In the Air of the Night"
about that guy who coulda saved that other guy from drowning
but didn't, then Phil saw it all, then at a a show he found him?
That's kinda how this is, you coulda rescued me from drowning
Now it's too late - I'm on a 1000 downers now, I'm drowsy
and all I wanted was a lousy letter or a call
I hope you know I ripped +ALL+ of your pictures off the wall
I love you Slim, we coulda been together, think about it
You ruined it now, I hope you can't sleep and you dream about it
And when you dream I hope you can't sleep and you SCREAM about it
I hope your conscience EATS AT YOU and you can't BREATHE without me See Slim
Shut up bitch! I'm tryin to talk!
Hey Slim, that's my girlfriend screamin in the trunk
but I didn't slit her throat, I just tied her up,
see I ain't like you cause if she suffocates she'll suffer more, and then she'll die too
Well, gotta go, I'm almost at the bridge now
Oh shit, I forgot, how'm I supposed to send this shit out?
{*car tires squeal*} {*CRASH*}.. {*brief silence*} .. {*LOUD splash*}
My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I..
got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window..
and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'll all be grey,
put your picture on my wall
It reminds me, that it's not so bad,
it's not so bad..
Dear Stan, I meant to write you sooner but I just been busy
You said your girlfriend's pregnant now, how far along is she?
Look, I'm really flattered you would call your daughter that
and here's an autograph for your brother,
I wrote it on the Starter cap
I'm sorry I didn't see you at the show, I musta missed you
Don't think I did that shit intentionally just to diss you
But what's this shit you said about you like to cut your wrists too?
I say that shit just clownin dogg,
c'mon - how fucked up is you?
You got some issues Stan, I think you need some counseling
to help your ass from bouncing off the walls when you get down some
And what's this shit about us meant to be together?
That type of shit'll make me not want us to meet each other
I really think you and your girlfriend need each other
or maybe you just need to treat her better
I hope you get to read this letter, I just hope it reaches you in time before you hurt yourself,
I think that you'll be doin just fine if you relax a little, I'm glad I inspire you but Stan
why are you so mad? Try to understand, that I do want you as a fan
I just don't want you to do some crazy shit
I seen this one shit on the news a couple weeks ago that made me sick
Some dude was drunk and drove his car over a bridge
and had his girlfriend in the trunk, and she was pregnant with his kid
and in the car they found a tape, but they didn't say who it was to
Come to think about, his name was.. it was you


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[ 本帖最后由 因为帅烦 于 2006-5-4 10:34 编辑 ]
发表于 2006-3-16 13:48:35 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-16 15:00:27 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-4 10:34:20 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-5-6 15:53:17 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-5-6 15:54:13 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-5-6 15:56:25 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-5-6 17:04:47 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-5-9 14:08:15 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-6-6 14:58:31 | 显示全部楼层
我最喜欢他的这首<THANK YOU>和<欢呼高

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发表于 2006-6-6 15:54:46 | 显示全部楼层
;P 好东西是靠挖出来的!!

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