sTRawbEaty 发表于 2010-9-4 22:50:11


本帖最后由 sTRawbEaty 于 2010-9-4 23:14 编辑


       德国新晋乐队Iridio由Valentina和Franz组成,于2004年制作了这张融合性极强的《Waves Of Life 绽放生命》。Franz以他不可思议的乐感将各种音乐元素溶于一炉,我们在这张专辑里可以感受到歌特、凯尔特、部落人声甚至中国传统器乐的感染力,比如第8曲《The Free Ride Of The Spirit》的中西合璧,另外还掺合了一些原始的部落人声和Jazz桥段,虽然感觉有点不伦不类,但考虑到西方人对东方文化理解上的有限性,总体还能算是和谐动听的,由此可见FRANZ的编曲配乐功力委实不弱。而Valentina曾任某重金属乐队的主唱,声乐表现自然不可小觎。不管是主音还是背景人声,总让我想起Loreena McKennitt和Lisa Gerrard那种唱腔里流露出来的中世纪风格,特别是在第二曲《Night Prayer》里Valentina的vocal和感人的吉他配合得天衣无缝。

  很难定义这种融合性极强的音乐,乍一听,大家都会沉浸在New Age的畅想中,其实整张cd都是由电子乐来配合飘渺婉柔女声,准确的来说属于电子音乐。

  很耐听的一张专辑,《My Sweet Leonore》相信很多朋友曾经听到过,应该算是Iridio的一支名曲了。
My Sweet Leonore


She was born on a cold winter night
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore
She was whiter that snow from the sky
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore
She had crystal-like eyes and her beautiful hair
Was as light as the flight of a dove through the clouds
She had skin, she had lips, she had fingers as bright
As a dawn
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore
On a high mountain top she was alone
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore
Then a young knight one day came up to her home
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore
She had crystal-like eyes and her beautiful hair
Was as light as the flight of a dove through the clouds
She had skin, she had lips, she had fingers as bright
As a dawn
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore
Soon the man fell in love with the girl
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore
When he kissed her she melt down like the snow
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore
She had crystal-like eyes and her beautiful hair
Was as light as the flight of a dove through the clouds
She had skin, she had lips, she had fingers as bright
As a dawn
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore
She had crystal-like eyes and her beautiful hair
Was as light as the flight of a dove through the clouds
She had skin, she had lips, she had fingers as bright
As a dawn
La la la la la la la la my sweet Leonore

YSD 发表于 2010-9-4 22:58:59


sTRawbEaty 发表于 2010-9-4 23:04:02

回复 2# YSD


sTRawbEaty 发表于 2010-9-4 23:07:47

再顶 :)

sTRawbEaty 发表于 2010-9-4 23:12:34


神之手脚 发表于 2010-9-4 23:16:50

tutu (62)tu去外网的流量?

sTRawbEaty 发表于 2010-9-4 23:17:57

回复 6# 神之手脚

sTRawbEaty 发表于 2010-9-4 23:21:37


sTRawbEaty 发表于 2010-9-5 10:16:32


彼采艾兮 发表于 2010-9-5 10:17:51


sTRawbEaty 发表于 2010-9-5 11:37:27

回复 10# 彼采艾兮

要是能上传到内网就好了.tutu (56)tu

sTRawbEaty 发表于 2010-9-5 14:10:30

tutu (16)tu自己顶上去.

sTRawbEaty 发表于 2010-9-5 14:57:53

这年头的人都去打酱油了.tutu (50)tu
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