《That`s why you go away》的吉他谱
过度段节奏自己再分吧 我懒得分了 最后一句的和弦自己按节奏放上去我也不想改了 喜欢的顶顶~1=G(4/4)
(前奏:) |C|D|G|
|C D Bm Em
baby won`t you tell me why,there is sadness in your eyes
|Am D Em
i don`t wanna say goodbye to you
|C D Bm Em
love is one big illusion,I should try to forget
|Am D G
but there is someting left in my head
|C D Bm Em
you`re the one who set it up ,now you`re the one to make it stop
|Am D Em
i`m the one who`s feeling lost right now
|C D Bm Em
now you want me to forget,every little thing you said
|Am D G
but there is something left in my head
|C D Em
i won`t forget the way you`re kissing,
|Em C D G
the feeling`s so strong were lasting for so long
| C D Em
but i`m not the man your heart is missing
|Em C D G
that`s way you go away i know
|C D Bm Em
you were never satisfled no matter how i tried
|C D Em
now you wanna say goodbye to me
| C D Bm Em
love is one big illusion i should try to forget
| C D G
but there is something left in my head
|C D Em
i won`t forget the way you`re kissing,
|Em C D G
the feeling`s so strong were lasting for so long
| C D Em
but i`m not the man your heart is missing
|Em C D G
that`s way you go away i know
(过渡:转 bB 调)
sitting here all alone in the middle of now here
don`t know which way to go
there ain`t so much to say now between us
|Cm|D|Gm|F|G(转 G 调)|
there ain`t so much for you there ain`t so much for me(间奏:G 调) |C|D|Bm|Em|C|D|G|G|
|C D Em
i won`t forget the way you`re kissing,
|Em C D G
the feeling`s so strong were lasting for so long
| C D Em
but i`m not the man your heart is missing
|Em C D G G|C| D| G(琶音)|
that`s way you go away i know that`s way you go away i know 偶只懂简谱,不懂五线谱,楼主你发滴是什么谱啊,搞得我心里都谱了~~~~
嘻嘻哈哈~~~~ 吉他。。。。。
还是游戏重要哈哈~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 原帖由 爱以落离 于 2006-5-13 08:32 发表
这只有是吉他人才能看得懂的简谱:D 过几天叫LG过来看。吉他他好久不练了。 哈哈 好啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 不好意思,我看不懂~
可以用五线谱吗?? 原帖由 光海风 于 2006-5-13 17:47 发表
我没这个的五线谱~~ 可以自己写的,把乐谱写出来就可以了。 高中的时候去学校的音乐室玩钢琴的时候学过看五线谱,但后来没时间了就放弃了~~~~~~~~~
五线谱有时候看到头大去..................... 要是有五线谱,用钢琴弹《That`s why you go away》是何等的爽快啊!!!
有时候我听到这歌 我就在想如果我在弹 真爽!!