jy00952077 发表于 2008-11-19 11:18:39

NFS12 再创系列历史最低分!

[发帖际遇]: jy00952077开车的时候, 一张纸条飞进驾驶舱, 才发现原来是支票现金1000思明币.

NFS12 再创系列历史最低分!

ign 评分
ps3版 4分

6.0      Presentation
The cutscenes don't work as well as intended, it's way too easy and the open world setup is almost completely pointless.
3.5      Graphics
The cars don't look all that great, the city is lifeless and the framerate can be terrible at times.
8.0      Sound
The engine effects are great, though they could be mixed better. The soundtrack is decent, though it isn't used too often.
4.0      Gameplay
Why is this game set in an open world? You can't drive to events or find anything, so what's the point? It's way too easy, and becomes almost undrivable at times because it chugs so much.
为什么这个游戏要设定开放式的世界? 你并不能开车到事件发生地点或者找到任何东西,那么开放式世界有什么意义?
6.0      Lasting Appeal
The online stuff works, but it's very basic and will get old after a while. There's a decent number of events, but it just isn't any fun.
Poor      OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)


6.0      Presentation
The cutscenes don't work as well as intended, it's way too easy and the open world setup is almost completely pointless.
5.0      Graphics
The cars don't look all that great and the city is lifeless. It also doesn't run as well as it should.
8.0      Sound
The engine effects are great, though they could be mixed better. The soundtrack is decent, though it isn't used too often.
5.0      Gameplay
Why is this game set in an open world? You can't drive to events or find anything, so what's the point? It's also way too easy.
6.0      Lasting Appeal
The online stuff works, but it's very basic and will get old after a while. There's a decent number of events, but it just isn't any fun.
Meh      OVERALL

飘渺微尘 发表于 2008-11-19 11:23:44

[发帖际遇]: 飘渺微尘参加论坛辩论大赛, 获得存款1思明币.

12都玩不了houhou (2)hou

<娿婆>、 发表于 2008-11-19 11:27:35

[发帖际遇]: 〈ィ+麽娿>帮助大陆公安抓贼, 获得奖金现金500思明币.

houhou (30)hou houhou (30)hou 真的很差

飘渺微尘 发表于 2008-11-19 11:30:19

[发帖际遇]: 飘渺微尘在五星级酒店和MM HAPPY一晚, 花费现金5996思明币.

12好象比11还好一点houhou (10)hou

jy00952077 发表于 2008-11-19 11:31:59


飘渺微尘 发表于 2008-11-19 11:33:14

[发帖际遇]: 飘渺微尘在五星级酒店和MM HAPPY一晚, 花费现金5003思明币.

原帖由 jy00952077 于 2008-11-19 11:31 发表
11那东西除了画面基本一无是处.... 11的试玩版出来的时候,我玩了一下,就决定不玩11了....................

純藍sè┭ 发表于 2008-11-19 12:35:29


飘渺微尘 发表于 2008-11-19 12:36:38

[发帖际遇]: 飘渺微尘贩卖军火, 不小心赚到佣金现金5258思明币.

原帖由 純藍sè┭ 于 2008-11-19 12:35 发表
还是九好玩... 支持啊,进来广职极品飞车群一起玩吧houhou (11)hou
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