[发帖际遇]: 扬帆出海参加慈善晚会, 捐款现金3960思明币.Mathematicians won the war.Mathematicians broke the Japanese codes and built t
he A-bomb.
Mathematicians...like you.
"The stated goal of the Soviets is global Communism.
In medicine or economics,in technology or space.Battle lines are being drawn.
To triumph,we need results--publishable,applicable results.
Now who among you will be the next Morse?The next Einstein?
Who among you will be the vanguard... of democracy,freedom,and discovery?
Today,we bequeath Ametica's future into your able hands.
Welcome to Princeton,gentlemen.
以上的话是电影A Beautiful Mind(美丽心灵)中John Nash刚到Princeton时他的老师对所有的弟子们
我是看了别人博客才注意这部电影的,不过我发现打开<美丽心灵>的电影却出现<美丽心灵的永恒阳光 >的电影.
希望尽快改过来. [发帖际遇]: 06612025买了一辆小破车, 花了现金3918思明币