[发帖际遇]: 07632012请朋友们喝酒, 用了现金50思明币.【17173报道 未经许可不得转载】
国外一家名为“petitiononline”的网站日前发起一项运动,号召玩家签名抗议《暗黑3(详细报道 截图)》的卡通画设计风格,转而回复暗黑2以来的哥特式画风。
《暗黑3》首席制作人Keith Lee对此解释说:
“Diablo I和II确实比较阴暗,因为前者基本上都在地牢里泡着;而对Diablo III来说,除了地下城玩家还将探索户外世界,还将跋涉许多环境各异的区域,我们要尽可能地使其缤纷各异好让玩家每到一处就眼前一亮,我们不希望看到每样事物都是一个调子,这是我们所竭力避免的。”
“我们之所以把材质弄得清爽干净是想让玩家全神贯注,这是暴雪的风格,就视觉效果来说它能将其用到极致以使每位玩家都为此动容。我们觉得Diablo III会在各方面表现得更好,该系列仅仅开了个头,我们的参考阵容还只有该系列第一部及第二部作品。”
而对于那些签名的玩家,Keith Lee则说:
你能接受《暗黑3》新画风吗? 当然能!这画面棒极了,我喜欢这风格。 无所谓啦,暴雪的游戏最值得关注绝不是画面。 不接受!暗黑就是要黑暗嘛,不然为什么不叫美丽破坏神http://i6.17173.itc.cn/news/2008/07/03/0703diablo09s.jpg
《暗黑3》的这种明快画风并不适合所有人的胃口 [发帖际遇]: jy00952077玩宠物的时候不幸损失存款1思明币.
看到最后野蠻人被撕碎...這也能叫明快畫風啊...八成過不了審查. 不玩咯`` houhou (40)hou houhou (40)hou 这个才是暗黑!!! houhou (31)hou houhou (31)hou 很久没玩了...第一次玩是小学了houhou (31)hou [发帖际遇]: 大法师贩卖军火, 不小心赚到佣金现金7440思明币.
很久没有玩了houhou (17)hou 暴雪出品,必属精品
期待每一款作品 暗黑也要创新~~~~~~~~ 明快风格?看得眼有点花houhou (10)hou 希望快点出一款非常好玩的游戏~~~~~~~~ [转载][译文]暗黑破坏神III最新进度报告
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翻译:charliell @ 游侠
While Diablo III wasn't on display at GC 2008, we got an opportunity to sit down with the action-RPG's lead designer, Jay Wilson, to get a sense of how things are coming along in the much-anticipated sequel. Since the game was recently announced in Paris at Blizzard's Worldwide Invitational event, a segment of the franchise's fan base has been upset about the art style, claiming it didn't stay true to the darker nature of the previous two games. Wilson disagrees.
趁着暗黑3没有展示的期间,我们有幸请到了暴雪ARPG的首席设计师Jay Wilson,来谈谈万众期待的暗黑3的最新进展。自从游戏在暴雪全球精英赛上公布以来,一部分忠实的粉丝
"To be fair, it's a small minority that really doesn’t like the art style," he said. "A majority of the feedback we've gotten has been overwhelmingly positive about the art style -- I think when they see the final game they'll find it's probably a bit darker than they might think. What we've shown is the earliest parts of the game meant to be a little sunnier and brighter than the later because we're trying to set a juxtaposition and make everything feel worse as the game move on. In terms of the actual art style, we went through three full art revisions where we essentially hit the reset button on all the art and started over again and one of the main reasons was when we tried to go towards what our memory of Diablo II was we found that it created a drab, boring game that didn't play very well."
"One of the things I try to remind ... people who talk about the art style and what Diablo II looked like, they're being very selective in their memory. They're remembering small parts of Act I and small parts of Act III and conveniently forgetting all the green fields of Act I and all of Act II, which is actually one of the most popular Acts. The general kind of almost garish look of the monsters really made them stand out, and those things made the game play really well. They were actually criticized at the time. When Diablo II came out it was panned for being too bright and cheerful compared to the original Diablo. Of course the original Diablo drew like little red lines around the enemies so you could actually see them."
Blizzard wasn't making any sort of announcements for Diablo III. So far it's just the Barbarian and Witch Doctor classes that we know of, and we were told Blizzcon 2008 will be the place for another reveal. So we took the opportunity to ask Wilson about some of the design changes with Diablo III, particularly with the removal of potions and the slotted inventory system. Players of the first two games will remember how much combat revolved around having a sufficient supply of potions at the ready to refill health. Well, that's not how it's going to work in this game; there are no health potions to be purchased at vendors. Instead, groups of enemies will drop health orbs that instantly restore lost hit points and disappear if not collected within a set time. Wilson described why this decision was made.
"A lot of people, I think, would say that's a hallmark of the Diablo series, the potion system. We looked at it and said, 'No, that just makes the game worse,'" said Wilson. "It doesn't make it play like a better action game, it just kind of gives the player infinite health. It's actually a fairly poor recovery mechanic because it forces the designers to design monsters that have to deal with a player that has infinite health. The only thing you can do is have monsters that can overcome that health and essentially one-shot you. That's not a very interesting monster. It's actually a horrible monster. But that's the only option. The design shoehorned the designers into that kind of monster design. So we focused on a health system that actually forces the player to think tactically to recover health from monsters and to put them in some situations where they are low on health but have to walk into an enemy encounter anyway. That makes for a much more challenging encounter but it also makes for a situation where we can design the monsters to be a lot more interesting. We actually can lower damage on monsters. We want monsters to do less damage because we want them to wear you down over time and do things that are challenging in different ways."
“许多人会认为血瓶魔瓶是暗黑破坏神系列的标志。我们却认为:‘不,那只会把游戏变糟,’”Wilson说,“那样做会让它玩起来不像个动作游戏,从某种角度来讲它给了玩家无限的生命值。事实上这是一个相当不好的生命回复机制,因为它让设计者不得不设计出相应的怪物来对付拥有无限生命的玩家。唯一能做的就是设计出一个能够将玩家一击毙命的怪物,这样的怪物既无趣又过于可怕。这个设计把设计者们逼进了死胡同。所以我们把注意力放在了改进生命回复系统上,这个系统可以让玩家从战术层面上思考如何打倒怪物来补充生命,同时在生命值较低的情况下不得不冲入敌阵来求一线生机。这将使得游戏中的战斗更具挑战性,也让我们能设计出更有趣的怪物。我们可以减低怪物的伤害,这是为了让它们慢慢地消耗你,并且用各种不同的方式来挑战你。 Wilson was more positive about Diablo's treasure system. "It's perfect. You know, all we'll maybe do is tweak some little things that we don't like about it, some systems that we think were maybe a little broken. But for the most part, it works really well and we don't really want to change it, but the combat, oh, that could be so much better."
Going more in-depth on the subject, Wilson explained how the early parts of Diablo III would be similar to Diablo II. The new types of systems wouldn't be felt as much until after about 10 levels or so into the game where players will have a larger number of skills to use in dealing with groups of foes. "The goal is to have players use skills where previously they would have used a potion," said Wilson. "If I've got to deal with an enemy, I'm going to go in, stun a whole bunch of guys, and circumnavigate them to reach a health orb. Or I'm going to stun them and take out a bunch of guys with the hope that I'm going to get a health orb, and if I don't, I'll use some other kind of mechanic to deal with that threat."
With the inventory screen, players will no longer have to deal with items taking up multiple slots as in Diablo games past. Now, all items will just take up one slot, though exactly how that's going to be implemented is still being worked on. Wilson explained some of the issues being taken into consideration. "The one really great thing that most people wouldn't argue with was the grid-based system allowed for very large icons which made the items feel better. So one of the things we don't like about the current inventory is the icons are smaller than we'd like them to be, so we're working on sizing up the icons themselves to be very large, much larger than say World of Warcraft ... We've experimented with other things like having different bag types hold different kinds of items, like big items go into this bag and small items go into this bag, but we haven't really settled on anything like that. What we don't want is the grid-based Tetris sort of system."
A crafting system is also in the works, though it won't be anything like Diablo II's Horadric Cube combinations. "I don't know if I can think of a comparison," said Wilson. "I think that system is a pretty cool and different kind of system from anything that we've had before."
Since our time for the interview was limited, we shifted gears into what Diablo III's environments might be like over the course of the story. "I don't think we're going to have anything quite as out there as Arcane Sanctuary. I'd say the scale and scope of the game in terms of the threat you end up facing is much, much higher than the previous games. I think if you look at the cinematic trailer there's never really been an invasion of Sanctuary, and I think from the trailer it's obvious that's where we're headed. A lot of what happened in the original Diablo was very small in scope. Even in Diablo II you traveled all over the world, like you're really just facing the aftermath of Diablo walking through the world ... There was a bit of it with Lord of Destruction. Baal's invasion was sizable, but we really want to go more, higher than that. That's about as detailed as I can be without giving away key story elements."
Wilson went on to talk about how story would work when players join up to play co-operatively online. "Our leaning tends to be towards people playing together over always maintaining coherency of story. Because that's the big problem. If you join into my game and I'm three quests ahead of you, we don't want you to feel like 'Oh, I don't want to play with you because you're three quests ahead of me.' So what we try to do is lean more toward 'Okay, you can get done everything from this point on, and then you can come back in a previous game and finish these other things.' That's the one advantage the Diablo series has. People are used to returning to games to get things done, kind of like in an MMO where you return to a zone to finish that one quest that you couldn't do because your friend didn't have it ... We don't want you to lose anything by playing with someone else."
Diablo III doesn't have a release date at the moment, as Blizzard is saying it'll be done when it's done
暗黑3目前没有公布发行日期,就像暴雪自己说的,船到桥头自然直。 莱比锡游戏展上JayWilson的访谈(全新,大量猛料,tp/rune words等令人喜忧参半的改动)
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[::艾泽拉斯国家地理 BBS.NGACN.CC::]
DS: Can you tell us something about runes and their use in the form of rune words in the game?
Wilson: We haven't decided exactly what we want to do with runes, at least not so far. What I can say is that we don't intend rune words to be back from Diablo 2. Rune words were part of Diablo 2's crafting system. For Diablo 3, we have different plans, which we can't give the details on right now. It does still use runes, (translation too shoddy to finish.)
DS: What function does shoulder armor provide? Are they considered an addition to defense?
Wilson: No, those and pants didn't exist as armor in Diablo 2, so in order to provide more visual variety and more items, we're including them. We're already making sure that the objects have appropriate attributes, such as endurance on shoes, enhanced life on chest armor, but that's more a matter of style, these attributes aren't set in stone. We wanted a greater variety of items and the opportunities that come from being able to make a unique looking character. A few people expressed a fear that the shoulder pads would become oversized like in World of Warcraft, but if they looked at the Witch Doctor, they'd see that his shoulder pads are, generally, quite small. On the other hand, Barbarians are supposed to be physically imposing, so we've opted for a more traditional Germanic barbarian look. Some wore enormous furs, and we tried to imitate this style. So our decision had nothing to do with World of Warcraft, we just wanted to include more item
DS: The Barbarian is indeed the exact same as the one in D2, only 20 years later. So what impact will it have on the story when I select a female Barbarian instead?
Wilson: I'm not sure if we've decided what we're going to do in regards to that. In general, we want to make sure that each class has their own unique background and history, and should also note that these stories won't differ between male and female versions. The Barbarians will of course have a few little things that need to be changed, but in large part, the genders are similar. We'll probably only change small textual things about the female Barbarian. The Witch Doctor will be treated as an outsider, being from foreign lands, but the Barbarian is very intimidating because of his size and strength. We want him to have a stronger feeling as a roleplaying game character by making him have a unique impact on the world and not be so generalized.
J:我还不确定。总体上我们希望每个职业有自己独特的背景和历史,同时不同性别大体相似。对于女性野蛮人我们可能只是更改几处文本。wd被当作外来客,野蛮人的块头和力量则让他很显眼,不会泯于众人。 DS: How big is the world compared to Diablo 2? Are there more quests and things to do than in Diablo 2?
J:... We believe Diablo 2 was a very good size, even with the number of quests. In any case, more than in Diablo 2, Diablo 3 will have more quests and many of them have a much stronger tie to the game. Compare this to Diablo 2, where quests generally came in 6 per Act, but in Diablo 3 we have no quest limit. So we can continue to insert as many quests as we like, until we feel that we've got a good amount and there aren't too many. We want to concentrate on quests that are really fun and contribute to the game. If I have to come up with a number, I'd say there's probably twice as many quests, but I wouldn't nail it down like that. It could still be more or less at this point.
Traveling is again handled by waypoints as in Diablo 2. We thought about mounts, but when we designed the world, we decided there wouldn't be any need for them. The idea of town portals we wanted to reject, since from the viewpoint of being in the middle of a fight, it's very easy to abuse, simply disappearing. It just goes back to being the kind of thing we don't want. Players often go back to town more when they really need to. But if you give players the opportunity every two minutes to town portal, they'll take advantage of that and carry every last piece of loot, even worthless things, back to town effortlessly, which isn't very fun. That's why we wanted to move away from that. We also looked back on the original Diablo to get a feel for dungeons being difficult to escape from, but Diablo 2 never balanced this very well like we have now. We want the player not to be stuck in a dungeon forever, we want to provide intervals where they can go back. We don't want players to have to keep dropping items, but we also don't want them to be able to go back as often as they want like in Diablo 2. There are a lot of pros and cons and we're currently balancing it all. The removal of town portals is beginning to feel bad, because everyone was accustomed to it, but we're trying our best to find the right way to do this so that the game doesn't suffer for it.
An example of this, my favorite Diablo 2 example, Duriel, the boss of Act 2. He dealt massive damage, had huge amounts of health, inflicted freeze effects and is waiting directly at the entrance of an extremely small room. He's very brutal, but the only reason he was so difficult was because the player had to use town portals constantly, was always running away, drinking potions, etc., and it was almost frustrating. This is why we've taken care in how the health system has been changed. We want to avoid situations where a player is repeatedly using town portals and coming back until the boss is killed. This isn't a particularly fascinating way to do it. We want to create a system where the bosses are challenging without frustrating the player.
One thing we're trying with our waypoints is adding a "town portal" like ability to it. Previously in a Diablo 2 game, if a friend wanted to catch up, he'd have to yell "TP! TP!" and wait until someone portals them to where they are. This isn't a very good way to get players together, because it requires the other players to drop what they're doing to summon a portal in a safe spot. That's why we're allowing waypoints to teleport you directly to other players. The player steps on the waypoint, clicks the function "Teleport to friend" (this won't be the final name of the function, it'll certainly change) and immediately a list of other players in the game appears and he can click to teleport to them...
DS: If there are different characters of different classes, do they get loot drops geared towards their class?
Wilson: No, all loot can drop for all players. We have the opportunity to generate specific objects, and sometimes we do, but usually as a quest reward or a special boss. The first time you kill a boss, we might try and provide him with something he can use, but in most situations, all items drop for all classes, which will further encourage trading.
DS: Will there be Open Battle.net and LAN play?
Wilson:...We have no intent to support LAN games, because we focus on Battle.net, where we have the ability to keep everyone in contact with the Blizzard community.
DS: What's your long-term motivation? Will there be new items in patches, or ?
Wilson: One of the keys to fun in Diablo is its randomness. We generate random areas, and have difficulties of Nightmare and Hell that we will maintain. We have a few other systems too, but they aren't known yet, and are specially designed to keep the game interesting. These aren't patch-based systems, they're integrated into the game to try and make the game experience dynamic. We have nothing against Mephisto or Pindleskin runs, it's just they were fairly monotonous. So we want to motivate players by providing an incentive to create a broad range of gameplay. We have no plans announced for content updates, we're focusing on getting the final game out first. We have always supported our titles long after release and an extension is as good as guaranteed, and we will try them in a reasonable time frame. I'm sure that even after launch we'll still add things to the game, as with every game, but we also want a game that can stand by itself and doesn't require content updates like World of Warcraft.
DS: So no monthly fees for Battle.net?
Wilson: I can't say 100% that there will be no charges, but our goal is to sell a boxed product. The problem is we're multinational, so each individual market is different. The boxed model works in Asia for example, but not everywhere. If we publish a financial model then we have to do it simultaneously for each region , and it's hard to say what each will look like. What I can say that a boxed game is our goal, not a subcription game, though I can't say for absolute certain that there will never be any fees. Just that it's not our goal.
J:我不能打保票,但我们的想要得是盒装产品。问题是我们的产品面向许多国家,每块市场都不同。例如在亚洲这种模式吃得开,然而并不是世界每个角落都可以。我们要为每个地区制定计划,具体某个区域很难讲。我只能说盒装产品是我们的目标,虽然不能保证完全没有额外费用。只是那(月费)不是我们的目标。 yuan7yuan yuan7yuan 支持楼上的!!!