紫燕 发表于 2006-10-4 19:48:43


girlsinit.What'syouropinion?:) :) :) :)

A_Fenzai 发表于 2006-10-4 21:02:53


原始人的奔跑 发表于 2006-10-4 21:12:08

maybe you are wrong because English isn't our mather languagh

q393060727 发表于 2006-10-4 21:41:07

原帖由 原始人的奔跑 于 2006-10-4 01:12 发表
maybe you are wrong because English isn't our mather languagh
you are right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

流动的希土 发表于 2006-10-4 22:22:42

Business English?
I know few aboat it..
I was intresting in English sinece my junior high school live.
Bucause of the most time was spend on the professionalcourse,
soI have nomore time to spend on it
ButI realy like it..

And now,my major is aboat the computer.
More time we have to useing the english at our class
I want to learn more aboat it but bucause many ressions,I had drop it a long time

At one time,i want to change my major for business english bucause i hate the mathematics and I was afraid i can't pass the exam.
But at last ,i haven't do it

Which major are you have?
The business english?
You said there are lots of beauty.really?
I have a few chance to make freinds with the deparment of Economy and Trade.
I hope i can touch more beauty of that department   :lol
If you don't mind,what aboat make a friend with me?
Holding for you....

[ 本帖最后由 流动的希土 于 2006-10-4 22:24 编辑 ]

pansi007 发表于 2006-10-4 22:28:27

my english is not very well,please let me use ourmather languagh


紫燕 发表于 2006-10-4 22:42:23

回复 #5 流动的希土 的帖子

Iwould like to introduce somebeauty ladies to you .Butmost ofthemwant totalk with
youface toface. Ifyouhavefree time , pleasejoin ourEnglishcorner.
welook forwardto   meeting   youin theBullPark. Comeon!!!!

紫燕 发表于 2006-10-4 22:45:57

回复 #6 pansi007 的帖子

:handshake 谢谢你的留言与支持.

流浪客 发表于 2006-10-4 23:01:48

agoodmajor   i think   :lol
      May betinereisoneday i wilneeditformy   jop   :lol l

流动的希土 发表于 2006-10-4 23:25:13

回复 #7 紫燕 的帖子

I was so happy to hear that
What english conner are you said?
It's our school's or your department?
And haw can i get words to you?
If you wan to have a chat face to face,
could you give me your TEL number ?

[ 本帖最后由 流动的希土 于 2006-10-5 09:48 编辑 ]

547726969 发表于 2006-10-5 08:35:24


hui408 发表于 2006-10-5 09:45:54

一个很不错不做法,能想到在这里以这种方式为商务英语 or your english corner 作宣传。是个很聪明的做法。

紫燕 发表于 2006-10-7 15:40:43

Thank you !But it isn't my English corner .It belongs to everyone who likes English very much!

小龙 发表于 2006-10-7 18:19:41

我们专业的啊 哈哈

壹哖偂ヤ 发表于 2006-10-9 10:23:17

Oh my god!!!!!!!!
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